Trustee Board

The district Trustee Board was elected at the AGM in September 2023.

They serve as the trustees of both

More information on governance (incl. constitution & quoracy) can be found be found here

You can contact our entire Trustee Board at:



-- Vacant --


Kamran Yousaf


Ex-Officio Members

Automatically given membership according to our constitution:

NB: The County Commissioner and County Chair of Gt. London North East Scouts also have full right of attendance at all meetings.

Elected Officials

Nominated and elected by the District Scout Council at its AGM in September 2023:

Co-opted Officials

Co-opted to support the committee because of their relevant experience:

Nominated Officials

The following have been nominated by the District Commissioner to broaden the experience of the District Trustees:

He also reserves the right to nominate up to three others.

Unofficial Observers

From any District Explorer Scout Unit.

The chairs of all district Explorer Explorer Scout units are invited to attend trustee meetings and their input is encouraged.Because they under 18 they cannot be charity trustees according to the law in England & Wales.


The dates of all trustee meetings can be found on our District Resources Site in the calendar at the bottom of the homepage.